Sports coaches can be enormously influential in the lives of children. This can help shape their future and give them skills that they will take with them as they grow up. Youth sports is supposed to be about development and education, and also helping the individual to grow as an individual.
What Can Powerful Coaches Do?
- Powerful coaches can inspire and motivate children to stay in that same career and also helps them to get there
- Opens up new opportunities and experiences for the individual
- Increase confidence in their sport and within themselves
- Helps them to become the best version of themselves
- Helps them to become driven, ambitious young people
- Allows them to have an outlet for they frustration
- Helps them to build team work skills and build friendships
How to Be a Powerful Coach?
- Having understanding for player’s needs will help to develop the individual. Do this by talking to them and asking their desires and dreams. Showing an interest will help give them motivation and increase satisfaction.
- Understand that individuals ‘best’ is different for everyone. Believing in players will influence them and make them understand that they are capable of achieving more
- Set a strong example of commitment and offer constructive advice
- Offer rewards and praise when it is due. This will further motivate players and individuals to keep working hard
- Encourage individuals to take part whatever their ability. This will help everyone to feel involved
- Ensure success can be achieved and challenge individuals when appropriate
- Provide players with decision making opportunities so that individuals can take ownership and exert their maximum effort
- Make it fun!!
Active Superstars coaches are all qualified and we are passionate about getting our players and individuals to feel involved and motivated. We offer unique sporting opportunities to all abilities, and we take pride in our work.
Active Superstars provide fun sporting activities for children which will aid their future and help them to become confident and happy within themselves. For more information call Active Superstars today on 0121 222 5464 or email